中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɑ:dntli]

adv. 热心地, 热烈地

r. in an ardent manner


1. A creature imbued with its creator's most ardent passions.


2. Because people rely so ardently on their socalled beliefs.

就因为人类狂热地笃信 他们所谓的信仰

3. Okay, he says he wants to, but he struggles with his ardent disdain.

好吧 他说他也想放下枪 但他在与内心强烈的蔑视斗争着

4. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.


5. If you mean will you be able to love her as ardently as you have, then yes.

如果你是说你们能再像以前那样 如胶似漆的话 没错

6. My visits here have provided the perfect cover for me to service my ardent young sisterinlaw.

我要去与年轻热情的小姨子幽会时 这里为我提供了绝佳的借口

7. And trust that one day I will love a girl more ardently than the girl who was my first love.

相信有一天我能更热忱地爱上一个姑娘 胜过我对初恋的爱

8. Or the way a dead person's shade might be torn from the underworld by sacrifice and ardent prayer.

或者通过献祭和虔诚的祈祷 将死者的灵魂 从地下世界中剥离

9. Every time our judgment is beclouded by the ardent passions that consume us, we give love a dangerous concreteness, a scandalous concreteness, an illegal concreteness.

每当耗费我们心神的 影响了我们的判断时 我们让爱变得危险 变得丑陋 变得违法



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

