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音标: 英 [ˈwɒŋkɪ] 美 [ˈwɑŋkɪ]

a. 不稳的, 摇晃的, 靠不住的

s turned or twisted toward one side
s inclined to shake as from weakness or defect


1. Brian, this translation thing of yours went wonky.

布莱恩 你的翻译设备不好使

2. Anyone can get in, you've got a wonky railing.

谁都能进得来 你家有根围栏坏了

3. So safe to say we're looking at a bit of wonky perimeter here.

可以肯定的说 我们这个边界有点奇怪

4. Cruz has really wonky taste in fine dining.


5. I don't know what kind of bug you got, but it's making you all wonky.

不知道你遇见什么问题了 但是你稳不住

6. And with the antirejection meds, his healing process has been a little wonky.

在服用抗排斥药物 恢复能力也就差了一点

7. Like when you make pancakes and the first one comes out a little wonky.

就像大家做松饼的时候 第一张饼总是比较歪七扭八

8. Agent with gray hair, manager with brown hair, hot chick with wonky eye.

灰头发代理 棕色头发经纪人 眼睛晃来晃去的辣妞

9. Having walked wonky and swum squiggly, the myth that it's impossible to stay on the straight and narrow while blindfolded is looking good.

经过曲折的步行 和歪歪扭扭的游泳 蒙住眼睛不可能直线前行的流言 看来很有希望被证实

10. The bullying took the form of throwing tampons at her, throwing a tampon machine at her, and of faking up a picture of her so that it looked like she had proper wonky boobs.

她被扔过卫生棉条 被扔过卫生棉条机器 还被P过照片 把她胸部弄得畸形



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

