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音标: 英 [ˈeɪkərɪdʒ] 美 [ˈekərɪdʒ, ˈekrɪdʒ]

n. 英亩数, 土地面积
[经] 英亩数, 土地面积, 矿区租赁面积

n. an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming)


1. Potato was the only way to feed so many over limited acreage.

这点土地 只有种土豆 这么多人才能吃饱

2. We'll never be able to cover that much acreage before the eggs hatch.

在卵孵化出来之前 我们来不及 喷洒这么大的区域

3. Uh, but I'm thinking I definitely want some decent acreage, get in touch with nature.

我确实觉得要块大地皮 可以接触自然

4. You won't find another property with these amenities, acreage, or privacy, which seems so important to many recent buyers.

您在其他地方找不到带有这些设施的房产 从面积到私密性 对我们最近的买家来说 这些都很重要

5. I mean, the actual landscape and before I know it, she's got me buying this huge acreage so we can start a wind farm.

真的土地 很快 她就让我买下了这一大块地 这样我们就能建个风力发电场了

6. To this end, there is established a system of land grants whereby large acreage may be given to men who would undertake to persuade numbers of emigrants to come and settle on part of it under their sponsorship.

为此目的 这里建立了政府赠地制度 谁承诺在他们的资助下 说服大批移民前来定居 就会获得大面积土地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

