中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [slɒt] 美 [slɑ:t]

n. 水沟, 细长孔, 硬币投币口, 缝, 狭槽, 狭通道, 位置, 一档(广播节目等)
vt. 开槽于, 把...纳入机构
[计] 槽; 存储槽

n. a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable
n. a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail)
n. a position in a hierarchy or organization
n. the trail of an animal (especially a deer)


1. So it's the slot attendant's duty to make sure that our slot machines are working properly.

所以 服务员的工作 就是确保我们所有的 都正常运转

2. Okay, insert the new chip in the slot, press the reset button under the slot.

好了 把新的芯片嵌入插槽 按一下下面的重置的按钮

3. Left hand to the huge ear jug thing, switch the feet, match the big jug, left foot jams into the crack, then you see righthand down pulling on the top part of the jug, left hand goes into this flared slot thing, which you can either fist jam or hand jam, either way, it's like a flare jam in the slot.

左手移到巨大的耳形岩点 换脚 两手同时抓住那个大岩点 左脚卡在岩缝里 然后右手扣在大岩点上向下拉 左手伸进张开的狭缝中 用拳头或者手卡在里面 卡在楔形缝隙中

4. That's not the only thing he put in your slot.


5. The same slot machines, the same decor.

是一样的 装修是一样的

6. Hey, if I was here to play, it wouldn't be the slots.

如果我是来赌的 不可能玩 啊

7. I told him that that slot was taken.


8. These slots are looser than your mother.

这缝可比 那个松多了

9. Flannagan didn't have a slot for me, so I ended up here.

弗拉纳根容不下我 所以我就来这了

10. Today, out there, it wasn't your slot or your career on the line.

今天训练时 处于险境的不是你的职位或你的前途



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

