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音标: 英 [ˌmɔ:fə'lɒdʒɪkl] 美 [ˌmɔ:fə'lɒdʒɪkl]

a. 形态的, 形态学的, 词法的
[计] 词法的

a relating to or concerned with the formation of admissible words in a language
a pertaining to geological structure
a relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals


1. because he diverges from the quantifiable morphological norm.

因为他的 比例完美且突出

2. Cancer consistent with morphology origin in the pleura.


3. I think their shift in morphology could actually be your invitation.


4. I always find the morphology of the anatomy of aliens interesting.

我一直对外星人的形态 非常感兴趣

5. The morphology of pig bones is almost identical to human bone.


6. Considering any postmortem morphological changes, this guy's white blood cell count was through the roof when he died.

鉴于他死后的尸体性状变化 这个人死时 他的白细胞量 远远冲破了正常值

7. What can we figure out about physiology, brain morphology, that helps us understand the formation of gender identity in anyone, is a relatively new field of study.

生理学和脑形态学中有何发现 能帮助我们理解 人类性别认同的形成 是一个相对较新的研究领域

8. I'd say that this decline, based on the likely underlying geographic morphology, either lets us slide into the cavern, or we fall 50 feet and die.

我觉得这个斜坡的情况如下 根据下方可能出现的地理形态 我们要么可以滑到洞里 要么从15米高处掉下去摔死

9. Here we're flying through one of the collapsed pits and what we're capturing is the shape, the dimensions, the morphology of the whole entire lava tube system, but we're also capturing the details of all the different textures that are on the inside of the lava tube.

我们现在穿越的是其中一个塌陷坑 我们测得了形状 容积 整个熔岩管系统的形态 而且我们还测到了 在熔岩管内部 各种各样的纹理细节



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

