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音标: 英 [tu:l] 美 [tul]

n. 工具, 机床, 傀儡
vt. 用工具加工
vi. 使用工具

n. an implement used in the practice of a vocation
v. drive
v. furnish with tools
v. work with a tool


1. She is a tool a very expensive, very useful tool.

她是一件工具 一件极其昂贵而有用的工具

2. Well, being rational is a tool, but it's not the only tool we have.

保持理性只是一种手段 但并非我们掌握的唯一手段

3. Stone tools represented a momentous change, because once you had tools in your hands, all the foods in the world could open up to you.

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4. 黑豹党 that really was sort of like the fundamental sort of organizing tool and orientation tool.

兰登·威廉姆斯 可以说是根本原则 是组织工具和导向工具

5. I need to find out if the airline is allowing other professionals to bring the tools of their trade onboard even if those tools violate airline policy.

我要查清楚航空公司 是否允许其他专业人员 带着他们的谋生工具登机 即便那些工具是否违反航空公司政策

6. So we do get more tools to deceive other people, this is what fake news is taking advantage of, but at the same time we get tools that we can detect deception.

我们的确有了更多骗人的方法 假新闻就是利用了这一点 但同时我们也有了鉴别谎言的工具

7. We'd get a flat tire just on the way there, and then break a tool fixing the flat tire, and then broke a bone fixing the tool fixing the flat tire.

我们去的路上 车爆胎了 然后换胎的时候工具坏了 然后在修换胎工具的时候 又骨折了

8. And so it's very difficult to know exactly what our ancestors were using in terms of wooden tools at this point in time, but we do know that lots of hunter gatherers use very simple wooden tools like this.

所以很难准确知道我们的祖先 当时用的是什么木器 但我们知道有很多狩猎采集者 使用这种非常简单的木器

9. But... I'll do it with a power tool.

但是 我拿着电动工具跳

10. I'm grateful I have the tools to do it.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

