中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['rəʊlɪŋ] 美 [ˈroʊlɪŋ]

a. 旋转的, 波动的, 起伏的
n. 旋转, 轰响, 动摇

n. the act of robbing a helpless person


1. Roll him, roll him, roll him, roll him, roll him.

卷他 卷 卷 卷 卷

2. Frank, keep rolling, keep rolling, keep rolling.

弗兰克 继续拍 继续拍 继续拍

3. He was rolling, and rolling, rolling, oke coming out of the top of his head.

他坐那个轮椅上 转啊 转啊 转 烟从他的脑门上升起来了

4. That's not a rolling pin. It is a rolling pin.

完全不像擀面杖 它是擀面杖

5. It's very likely to throw you up into the air, and you end up rolling and rolling.

很有可能你会被抛向空中 最后不停地翻滚

6. I've got pizza rolls for my pizza roll boys.


7. Just let the credits roll, let the credits roll.

现在正出职员表呢 不要打扰

8. All the piglets loved to play, and they rolled and they rolled in the mud all day.

小猪们都喜欢玩 它们成天 在泥巴里打滚

9. and I deserve an honor roll sticker even if I don't have an honor roll kid.

我也理应有优等生贴纸 尽管我的孩子不是优等生

10. Max will just roll with those changes and then he will roll those changes back again.

麦克斯会适应这些变化 然后再把这些变化转变回去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

