中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [kju:tnəs] 美 [kju:tnəs]

n. 可爱; 娇小可爱

n the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman)


1. and be so cute. It is, and we'll be very cute.

好萌啊 没错 我们会很萌哒

2. Cute boy, cute boy cute boy, cute boy.

可爱的男生 可爱的男生

3. She's cute. I don't care if she's cute.

她挺可爱的 我不管她可不可爱

4. Lucas is sweet and cute, and generous and cute, and loyal and cute, and wonderful.

卢卡斯贴心 可爱 慷慨 可爱 忠诚 可爱 他很棒

5. 'cause you have cute little ears, and your cute little hands and your cute little feet.

因為你有可愛的小耳朵 還有你可愛的小手和小腳丫

6. He's cute, but it makes him less cute.

他挺帅的 但这样就没那么帅了

7. Saying you're cute doesn't make you cute.


8. Y'all are too cute. I'm sorry, you're so cute.

你们太相配了 抱歉 你太可爱了

9. I mean, it was cute but just overly cute.

这很可爱 但有点太可爱了

10. I can't believe how cute his nose is. It's just too cute.

他的鼻子也太可爱 太可爱了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

