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音标: 英 ['trelɪs] 美 [ˈtrɛlɪs]

n. 格构, 格子结构, 棚, 架, 棚架式拱道, 格子遮板, 格构遮板, 格构凉亭, 格构拱道
vt. 为...建棚架
[计] 框架, 格式结构

n. latticework used to support climbing plants
v. train on a trellis, as of a vine


1. There's a trellis, but here's where I'm struggling.

屋外是有棚架 这也是我觉得纠结的地方

2. She didn't even try clbing up trellis.


3. So instead, she decided to climb the trellis and go through the window.

于是 她决定爬花架 从窗户走

4. Uh, I... brought an organic cantaloupe from our cantaloupe trellis in the backyard.

我带了一个蜜瓜 是从我们家后院的棚架上摘下来的

5. Night of the party, she saw someone climbing the trellis to the third floor.

派对当晚 她看到有人 顺着棚架爬上了三楼

6. And you will find similar samples leading up the trellis on the outside of the house.

屋外肯定有类似的泥痕 沿着棚架一路分布到窗台

7. And the only way is to climb the side trellis and come in through the trick hall window.

唯一的方法就是从侧面的棚架爬上来 然后通过走廊上的暗窗进入房子

8. The cause of death was truly, solely suicide, and you are guilty of nothing but some damage to the trellis and a few theatrics.

他的死因就是单纯的自杀 而你完全无罪 除了给棚架造成了些破坏 以及几场业余拙劣的表演

9. Then on foot up towards the house, you sneak in up the trellis, so as not to be seen by the rest of the family who are still having their party downstairs.

然后步行走向房子 你沿着棚架偷偷爬进屋 这样就不会被仍然在楼下开派对的 其余家人发现



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

