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音标: 英 ['hi:lɪŋ] 美 ['hi:lɪŋ]

a. 治愈的, 恢复健康的
[计] 修复, 恢复

n. the natural process by which the body repairs itself


1. It didn't heal right, but it healed.

虽然我的腿没治好 但也算伤愈了

2. You could heal them like you healed me.


3. guidance that healed me, but I am healed.

你的指引治愈了我 但我现在已经好了

4. He could heal others, but he couldn't heal himself.

他能治愈别人 却无法治愈自己

5. Bruises heal, but what your leader did won't heal.

伤口会愈合 但你的领袖作的孽无法挽回

6. I mean, you healed you healed up well.

你恢复了 恢复得很不错

7. So when you said he still had healing to do, you meant he still had healing to do.

你说他不能放弃治疗的时候 真的是在指不能放弃治疗

8. So I can help you heal, so we can help each other heal.

好让我能帮助你痊愈 好让我们能帮助彼此痊愈

9. I've heard of those things healing the sick, healing worse.

我听说过这些东西 消灾 转运

10. But surely the reason so many pilgrims go on long, arduous journeys, and have done for hundreds of years, is because they want healing, spiritual healing or physical healing, that does suggest that the people, the masses, think of them as having an immense power.

但可以肯定的是这些朝圣者之所以 不远万里 跋山涉水 数百年不间断的前来朝圣 都是因为他们祈望得到治愈 无论是在精神上还是肉体上 这会让众多信众坚信 他们拥有的无穷的力量



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

