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音标: 英 ['ləʊtəs] 美 [ˈlotəs]

n. 莲, 莲花, 荷花, 荷
[电] LOTUS, 莲花公司

n. native to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers
n. annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs
n. white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians


1. Jae, thank you so much for the lotus.

杰 太感谢你送的莲花了

2. I'm gonna run, I'm gonna dive behind that lotus.

我跑出去 然后躲到那个荷花后面

3. As long as you didn't have to put your golden lotus in his mouth to pay for it.

他没让你把脚 放他嘴里来换这些吧

4. I still don't fully understand the laser lotus theology.


5. We just got a lotus note emailed to staff.


6. Architecturally, towers shaped like lotus buds are characteristic.

从建筑角度讲 莲花花蕾样式宝塔别具一格

7. I am not quite ready yet to do the deep breathing and the lotus position.

我还不太擅长做深呼吸 和莲花坐

8. lotus was not big enough for him, that was actually a team just beginning its decline.

在莲花车队 发展空间太小 那个车队当时刚刚开始衰落

9. The complex includes a temple, a working monastery and a large courtyard with a forest of stupas, thick with exquisite handmade lotus motifs.

这座庙宇群包含一座寺庙 一间仍在运行的寺院和一片大型庭院 这里坐落着许多佛塔 上面绘满了精美绝伦的手工莲花图案

10. Their beauty blooming like lotus flowers, the taste of their breasts like apricots the scent of a navel in the winter, the warmth of a mound that fills your hand like a ripe peach.

她们美若盛开的荷花 她们的 味若杏仁 冬日里她们肚脐眼的味道 私密处的温暖 就像摸着熟透的桃子



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

