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音标: 英 [ɒpt] 美 [ɑpt]

vi. 选择

v select as an alternative over another


1. And when I say to them that someone I knew in a similar situation opted out of all chemotherapy, opted out of all radiotherapy, but had good, active palliative care and had a very comfortable remainder of their life, they're often quite surprised.

当我告诉他们 我认识的类似病人 没有选择各种化疗或放疗 而是接受了良好有效的姑息治疗 相当舒适地度过了余下的生命 他们通常会很惊讶

2. You opt out of this, and it's over, I'm done.

你退出了 就结束了 我不干了

3. I was hoping you'd opt for the massage.

我原本还盼着你去做 呢

4. And which we've so far opted not to explore.


5. Y...I'm gonna opt out of that one, too.

你... 这我也做不到啊

6. I've opted to depart from the syllabus today.

我决定 今天不讲大纲上的内容

7. And yet, not all zombies opted for the cure.

然而 不是所有的僵尸都选择了解药

8. And you're opting to make this request not through the courts.


9. We knew that she did not have cancer, and we opted not to tell her.

我们知道其实她并没有得癌症 而且我们还选择不告诉她

10. Just for the record, I'm opting out of that part.

插一句 我可不是这么想的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

