中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ə'ʃʊəd] 美 [əˈʃʊrd]

a. 确定的, 自信的
[经] 被保险人, 被保证者, 投保人

s. marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence
s. characterized by certainty or security


1. assure them, as you always assure me.

向他们保证 就像你向我保证的那样

2. Yet, I can assure you, it most assuredly is.

然而 我可以保证 这就是疯狂的改变

3. So forgive me if I no longer feel very assured by your assurances.

所以别怪我不再对你的保证 感到放心了

4. You're the one who's been handling this, so excuse me if your assurance isn't very assuring.

一直以来都是你在处理 恕我冒昧 你的话不怎么可信

5. And I can assure you that your assurances make you sound incredibly naive.

我也可以保证 你的担保 让你听上去幼稚极了

6. And I'm tired of cleaning up your mess, of giving assurances to get things done assurances you should have given.

我受够了帮您收拾烂摊子 受够了向别人保证能把事情做好 这些保证应该由您来作出

7. I assure you, it is out of friendship.

我保证 我只把她当朋友

8. He'll recover, as I assured you he would.

他会康复的 正如我想你保证的那样

9. You assured me this was buried. It was.

你向我保证这事不会传出去 是的

10. I assure you I have nothing to do with it.

我向你保证 我们没有向泰国当局施压



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

