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音标: 英 [ˌekspləˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛkspləˈreʃən]

n. 探险, 踏勘, 探测
[医] 探察

n. to travel for the purpose of discovery
n. a careful systematic search
n. a systematic consideration


1. They're out exploring. I want to explore you.

他们出去玩了 我要跟你玩

2. I don't know what space exploration will uncover, but I don't think it'll be exploration just for the sake of exploration.

我不知道探索宇宙会发现什么 但我觉得那绝对不是 只为探索而探索

3. But explorers wouldn't be explorers if they let such setbacks discourage them.

如果探险家遇到这些挫折就 知难而退 那就不是探险家了

4. exploration wouldn't be exploration if everything always went to plan.

如果一切都按计划进行 那探险就不叫探险了

5. That's because this is an unfamiliar environment for these snakes and they're exploring it, they're exploring it with their tongues.

那是因为他们对这里的环境不熟悉 他们正在探索中 他们用舌头进行探索

6. Tecteun, a scientist and explorer, had a new landscape to explore.

塔克屯 作为一名科学家和探索者 现在有了新的探索领域

7. The promise of future exploration is high, there is so much left that we still have yet to explore.

未来探索的前景一片光明 还有许多未知区域有待我们去探索

8. Well, I've spent my entire career exploring other people's minds, but very little time exploring my own.

我的职业生涯 全是在探索他人的思想 而只有很少时间来探索我自己的

9. Budgets for space exploration had vanished, so some all group on the inside convinced everyone it was the affordable future of space exploration.

太空探索的预算已经耗尽 所以内部的一小群人 说服大家 这是宇航局负担得起的 太空探索的前途

10. Of course, exploring wasn't just about brave men and brave rats, many female explorers have pushed the boundaries of human discovery, too.

当然 并不是只有勇敢的男人和老鼠能探险 许多女性探险家 也帮助拓展了人类探索的疆界



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