中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɜ:rɪŋ] 美 ['ɜ:ɪŋ]

a. 做错事的
[法] 做错事的, 有罪过的, 走入歧途的

s. capable of making an error


1. Er, historically she's been straight and, er, I, I'm, er, exhausted.

她过去一直都喜欢男人 而且我真的是精疲力尽

2. Er, er, yeah, but there, there is a problem.

对 但是...有个问题

3. Er war groß, ziemlich gutaussehend und als er auf uns zukam da dachte ich noch, er meinte Inge.

他很高 十分英俊 当他向我们走来的时候 我还以为他要请英格跳舞

4. Yes, well, you see, at my age, er, one, one sometimes, er, not always, but sometimes one, one feels the need for, er, a little help in, in the, in the bedroom department.

你看啊 到了我这个年纪 有时候 但并不总是 只是有时候 需要一些帮助 在房事方面需要一点点帮助

5. Sorry, er, I've had a... thing and, er, the thing's gone so I'm all yours.

抱歉 我...之前有点事 现在那事结束了 我可以全身心地陪你

6. I wouldn't blame 'er. I mean, I probably should in 'er shoes.

我不怪她 换了我 大概就会讨厌我

7. Er, you can, er... name your next album after me.

你可以 用我的名字为你下张专辑取名

8. Yes, I er, I spilt some on myself when I was er, filling my car.

对 我溅到身上了一点 之前加油时弄的

9. From a societal point of view, what we would, er, be very happy about seeing here, um, extraordinarily happy, is that these buildings that are built either side of the rupture didn't collapse, and that one over there appears to have very little damage, you know, apart from broken windows, but, er, this rupture goes through what used to be the dormitory for the school teachers and that's completely gone.

从社会角度出发 我们很庆幸看到 十分的庆幸 建在断裂地带两边的 建筑物安然无恙 而那边的建筑物除了玻璃被震毁以外 只遭受到少许损坏 但断裂带穿过的地方 也就是以前的教师宿舍 现已被夷为平地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

