中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['straidentli]

adv. 刺耳地;尖声地

r. in a strident manner


1. Yeah, which translates as intimidating, argumentative, and strident.

是啊 也就是吓人 好斗 尖锐的意思

2. As his savings dried up, his writing grew more strident.

当他的储蓄一点点减少 他的文章 变得一点点尖锐

3. It's territorial and calls stridently to proclaim its ownership.

鹬鸵的领地意识很强 它用尖锐的叫声宣告主权

4. Ma'am, I can only offer a most strident no when it comes to that question.

总统阁下 我非常确信 这个问题的答案是否定的

5. A strident truebeliever who trained himself to be unemotional about doing terrible things.

他是强硬的保守派 训练自己 能不露声色作出恐怖的事

6. How could you, on the day of the verdict this verdict you arrive with strident black extremists.

你怎能这样 在裁决的当天 带来了一群咄咄逼人的黑人极端主义者

7. She can be kind of strident with some of the other kids, and we just wanted to get you in and talk about it.

她和其他一些孩子在一起时可能会很尖锐 我们只是想让你来谈一谈

8. And so we've really been very strident at trying to minimise scarring by hiding the incisions, by pushing them off into the groins, that when you're standing in front of a mirror, you don't see a scar.

所以我们一直很坚持 通过隐藏切口来使伤疤最小化 把切口藏进腹股沟里 这样就算你站在 镜子前面 也看不到任何疤痕



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

