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音标: 英 ['tɒmbɒɪ] 美 [ˈtɑmˌbɒɪ]

n. 似男孩的顽皮姑娘, 假小子

n. a girl who behaves in a boyish manner


1. I know I'm a tomboy, but I'm not wearing a tie to my wedding.

我知道我挺女汉子 但我不会打领带去婚礼的

2. I liked to be outside and play with the dirt and be a tomboy.

我喜欢到外面玩泥巴 像个假小子

3. They grew up to be tomboys, interested in sports and cars.

他们长成了假小子 喜欢体育和车

4. Some girls find "tomboy" to be insulting term.


5. See, that don't make a lot of sense to me, a compact for a tomboy.

有一点我很不明白 为什么送给一个假小子一盒粉饼

6. She was always like that a spitfire, a contrarian, a tomboy, a goofball.

她一直都是这样 烈性子 叛逆 野丫头 大大咧咧

7. I was a tomboy, always tearing my jeans, and she would mend them, make them good as new.

我当时打扮很中性 总喜欢撕我自己牛仔裤 然后她总是把破洞缝起来 看着跟新的一样

8. Anne might be transformed from precocious tomboy into a well connected and refined young lady.

能使安妮从早熟的假小子 变成优雅精致的淑女

9. When I was a kid, my mom used to call me her little tomboy because of how I liked to dress and wear my hair short.

当我还是小孩的时候 我妈妈曾叫我假小子 因为我的穿着风格 还喜欢留短发



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

