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音标: 英 [θrɒm'bəʊsɪs] 美 [θrɑmˈbosɪs]

n. 血栓形成
[医] 血栓形成

n. the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel


1. Maybe that's what brought it on bather thrombosis.

也许就是这个造成的 嬉水血栓

2. Yeah, it's the blood flow, hamstrings, thrombosis.

对 血流不顺 后腿腱 血栓

3. The guy says he was here today with something about thrombosis.

他说今天来过医院 有什么血栓的问题

4. You have a deep vein thrombosis a blood clot in your leg.

你有深静脉血栓 腿里有个血凝块

5. I'm sorry about what happened earlier today with the thrombosis patient.

今天那个血栓症病人的事情 我很遗憾

6. She's 20 years too young to get a deep vein thrombosis.


7. Or if... if we're really unlucky, the pressure can cause deep vein thrombosis.

或是 如果我们真的很不走运 压力会造成深静脉血栓

8. You could have a thrombosis at the graft site with potential extension into the renal or mesenteric arteries.

你的搭桥部位可能有血栓 有可能已经延伸到了 肾动脉或肠系膜动脉

9. Deep vein thrombosis formed while she was seated that explains the red leg and the fever.

长时间坐着造成深部静脉血栓 能解释腿部红肿和低烧

10. A 38yearold woman with no previous symptoms or history presents with deep vein thrombosis.

一个38岁的女人 此前没有深度静脉血栓的症状或病史



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

