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音标: 英 ['klærətɪ] 美 [ˈklærɪtɪ]

n. 清楚, 明晰
[化] 透明度; 透明性; 清晰性

n. free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression


1. It's a different kind of clarity, an absolute clarity I've never had.

这是另一种透彻 我从未看得这么透彻

2. If his problems or lack of clarity are causing him to stand in your way, then your truth and clarity will blow right through him.

如果他的问题或是你们之间不够透明 导致他妨碍到你 那你的真诚和透明就能打动他

3. We have a chemistry and a bond that is undeniable, and I guess I was hoping that after the kiss, you'd have some clarity about all of it, clarity you still don't have and maybe never will.

我们之间有不可否认的火花及默契 我想在那个吻之后 我希望你能更清楚自己的心意 但你现在仍没看清 也许以后也不会

4. Carolyn, when you're in the throes of a very ugly divorce such as I am, along with all that pain and degradation comes a certain perfect clarity, and right now that clarity is telling me that you and I should get out of here.

卡洛琳 当你像我一样 在一场难堪的离婚中苦苦挣扎时 伴随痛苦 和消沉而来的是觉悟 而现在这觉悟 告诉我 你和我应该逃离此地

5. You welcome. I came here for some clarity.

不客气 我是来弄清一些事情的

6. I would have these weird moments of clarity.


7. We have some clarity on a couple of issues.


8. But the clarity I have gives me strength., to do what you cannot.

但意识的清晰给予了我力量 去做你做不到的事

9. There's too much of it and I can't sort through it with any clarity.

实在太多了 我现在一团浆糊 没办法理清楚

10. Well, then at least we have clarity about who is doing this to them.

好吧 那么我们至少知道 是谁对他们下的黑手



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

