中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪd] 美 [rɪd]

vt. 免除, 以...清除, 使获自由, 使摆脱
[法] 免除, 清除, 摆脱

v. relieve from


1. And I don't want you to get rid of it if you don't want to get rid of it, but I want you to want to get rid of it and not because I asked you to get rid of it.

我又不希望你心不甘情不愿的 把车给我处理掉 可我希望你能心甘情愿地 把车给我处理掉

2. You get rid of it, or I'm gonna get rid of you.

要么你解决这事 要么我解决掉你

3. I got rid of them, and I got rid of the card that's...that's in her phone.

我已经把 和电话卡都处理掉了 在...在她手机里的卡

4. I got rid of it, but I'll never get rid of that ell.

我都扔了 但那气味一直搞不掉

5. We have to find a way to get rid of them before they get rid of us.

我们必须想办法除掉他们 在他们除掉我们之前

6. You can get rid of me, but you can't get rid of the institution I work for.

你能甩掉我 但甩不掉我工作的报社

7. And we need to get rid of it, and we can't get rid of it near the village.

我们得把子弹扔了 而且要避开村民的面

8. Cleo wouldn't get rid of your boss's baby, and so you got rid of her.

Cleo不想做掉你老板的孩子 你就把她做掉了

9. Getting rid of that old car is like getting rid of the old you.

卖掉旧车 就像放弃过去的自己

10. He hired me to get rid of the knife, but he hired somebody else to get rid of the body.

他雇我销毁匕首 但他找了别人来销毁尸体



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

