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音标: 英 [sent] 美 [sɛnt]

n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 踪迹, 痕迹, 线索, 嗅觉
vt. 闻出, 嗅, 发觉, 使充满气味
vi. 嗅猎, 发出气味

n. an odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be traced
v. catch the scent of; get wind of


1. Right before you were hit, there was a scent in the air, a faint scent.

在你被击中前 空气里有种味道 味道很淡

2. That scent of menthol, combined with eucalyptus oil is that classic vapour rub scent.

薄荷脑的气味 混合桉油精的味道 就形成了药膏所散发出来的最终味道

3. If you turn them into a remedy, you've got this incredible scent that you can enjoy right throughout the winter when you can't get scented roses, and they provide you with pleasure for so much longer.

但如果你将它们制成药方 这种美妙的香气 能保留整整一个冬天 要知道冬天是找不到这么香的玫瑰的 通过这种方式 玫瑰的芳香能持续很久

4. Once he has the scent, he'll be gone.

一旦捕捉到异能气息 就会立刻离开

5. I did, but they only had scented ones.

买了 但是他们只有芳香味的

6. Just the scent of him and I would climax.

只要闻到他的味道 我就可以

7. I left those for you, so you could remember my scent.

这个是我送给你的 想让你记住我的味道

8. If I step out of here, they could pick up the scent.

只要我走出去 他們就會嗅到味兒

9. But she has a scent. I can find her.

但她身上有气味 我可以找到她

10. He has a scented candle on his desk.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

