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音标: 英 [ˈstɪgməˌtaɪzd]

v. 使受耻辱, 指责, 污辱( stigmatize的过去式和过去分词 )

v to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
v mark with a stigma or stigmata


1. Beth's stigmati has no bearing on her veracity.


2. Most women who go through this never talk about it because it's so stigmatized.

大多数堕过胎的女性不会公开谈论此事 因为这是她们人生的污点

3. Foul stigmatic, that's more than thou canst tell.

丑陋无比的怪物 你都懂得什么

4. My therapist says it stigmatizes mental illness.


5. At first, I was afraid that using a cane would stigmatize me.

一开始 我曾怕用拐杖 而被轻蔑

6. People with mentalhealth problems aren't stigmatized like they used to be.

有精神问题的人 已经不像以前那样受歧视了

7. All the victims have been socalled stigmatics, and all of them are frauds, like the reverend here.

受害者都称自己是带着圣伤的人 并且都是骗子 和这里的牧师一样

8. Some parents worry their children will be stigmatized by a diagnosis.

有些父母担心他们的孩子会因诊断结果 而受到欺负

9. The sex criterion stigmatizes when it is used to limit hours of work for women only.

将性别标准只用于限制女性工作时长 是对其标签化的行为

10. In fact, when you stigmatize his choice, then you feed into an unhealthy narrative on masculinity in middle age.

事实上 当你贬低他的选择 你就是在助长 一种只有中年男人才有阳刚气的论调



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

