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音标: 英 [ɪmˈbæŋkmənt] 美 [ɛmˈbæŋkmənt]

n. 堤防, 筑堤

n. a long artificial mound of stone or earth; built to hold back water or to support a road or as protection


1. There's a threestory building on the enemy side, up the embankment.


2. You know, I was foraging on that railway embankment earlier.

我之前正在 那条铁路路堤上寻找食物

3. II fell down an embankment. I must've hit my head.

摔下了路堤 期间肯定撞到了头

4. It looks like they came off the turn and came over the embankment.

他们好像是在转弯后 重重地撞上了路堤

5. So he exits the vehicle, and he flees down the embankment, toward the river.

于是他从车上下来 顺着堤岸 逃向河边

6. He made it from the dock up the embankment, onto the railing and over the gate.

他成功的从码头跳到堤坝上 然后翻过栏杆和大门

7. There are two kind of linear embankments with a depressed area in the middle.

这里有两道细长的堤 中间有一道凹陷的地带

8. This fellow was found along the station embankment two days ago.


9. They say that she went for a jog, slipped off a steep embankment, and hit her head on a rock.

他们说她去跑步了 从陡峭的路堤上滑了下来 头部撞到了岩石上

10. We're creating a new embankment, with business properties and workers' cottages, and, indeed, houses for management, and so on.

我们要建新路堤 建设商用地产 工人小屋 还有 管理人员住所 等等



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

