中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʌndi'saidәbl]

[计] 不可判定的


1. What you're about to see is what we have on the undecideds and nos.

你将看到的 是未定的和否决的

2. No, as I recall, you decided and now I'm undeciding for you.

不对 我记得呢 你决定了 我是来 你的决定的

3. I was undecided about whether to go through with this deal at all.

我本来也无法决定 要不要做这个交易

4. That's a lot of undecideds so close to election day.

大选在即 尚未决定的人还真不少

5. It's like there's a gremlin in the machine, but they seem to be cutting through to the undecideds.

跟闹鬼了似的 但他们似乎说服了那些举棋不定的选民们

6. The only thing undecided is whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.

唯一没定下来的 是你会主动给我 还是我把它抢过来

7. The vote was seven innocent, three guilty and two undecided.

表决结果七票无罪 三票有罪 两个未决定

8. Need to lock down every single undecided, including that kid.

得锁定最后几个摇摆选民 包括那小子

9. When last we spoke, you said you were still undecided as to who would assume control ostensibly of the operation.

上次会晤时 你说你还没决定好 由谁来担任台面上生意的掌管者

10. I can change that. I can help you push the undecideds in your party off the fence and into your camp.

我能改变这点 我能帮你 让你党派中的 犹豫不决者拿定主意 加入你的阵营



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