中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪn'ɡrəʊs] 美 [ɪn'ɡroʊs]

vt. 用大字体书写, 独占(市场), 使全神贯注
[法] 正式誊写, 以大字写, 囤积

v devote (oneself) fully to
v consume all of one's attention or time


1. You're late. I was so engrossed in my work.

你迟到了 我专注学习来着

2. Unfortunately, she's engrossed in her scripture study.

很遗憾 她正全神贯注地学习圣经呢

3. They were now so engrossed in filming that even the caiman weren't stopping them.

摄制组完全醉心于拍摄 就连凯门鳄都无法阻止他们

4. Too engrossed in their virtual world to be bothered by people dying in the real one.

太過專注于虛擬的世界 而不關心現實生活中危在旦夕的人

5. I really thought it would be something she was captivated by and just engrossed in and wanting to watch it more and more, but she didn't.

我真的以为 她会被影像迷住 全神贯注于此 迫不及待地想看到更多影像 但她没有

6. Well, I'm glad that you find my intimate recollections so engrossing, but I was under the impression that you came here to help pack.

很高兴你非常关注 我的私人回忆录 但我记得你是来帮我收拾行李的

7. I'm not 100 percent watching because I'm so engrossed in the second screen experience, but according to the second screen experience, other people are loving the show.

我没有全程看下来 因为我专心在看第二屏幕的反映 但根据第二屏幕的反映 大家对这个节目喜爱有加



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

