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音标: 英 [ˈvɪlənəs] 美 [ˈvɪlənəs]

a. 坏人似的, 恶棍的, 罪恶的, 极坏的
[法] 歹徒的:邪恶的, 恶的

s extremely wicked


1. Because you're the villain and the villain never wins.

因为你是个反派 邪不压正

2. ...this villain. requested a search for the villain.

这个恶人 你请求搜索恶人

3. I was a villain, and villains don't get happy endings.

我曾是个坏人 坏人不会有好结局

4. Because we have to remember, a villain never thinks he's a villain.

因为我们得记住 恶棍从不认为自己是恶棍

5. But humans have somehow turned them into villains, and we like to kill our villains.

但人类却不知为何将它们当做坏蛋 而我们正喜欢消灭坏蛋

6. Joan's playing the villain, and villains always have the meatier roles.

琼演坏人 坏人角色总是更有趣

7. A harsh reminder that we live in a world where villains may not always look like villains.

我要提醒你们 这个世界上 恶人不一定看上去像恶人

8. Acts of confused rooms and professional victims in our media and our institutions of higher learning and at the core at the core of their little horrified nightmare bedtime stories to scare their children there's a villain and that villain is white and he's male and he looks a lot like you and me.

混乱房间行为 媒体职业中的受害者 以及我们的高等教育机构 其核心是 在于他们每个个体 讲睡前恐怖故事 吓唬孩子 有一个坏人 那个坏人是个白人男性 他看起来平淡无奇

9. You think I'm a villain, but I'm not.

你以为我是坏人 其实我不是

10. They need a villain, and it can't be you.

她們需要一個惡人 不能是你



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

