中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [jʊ'ni:k] 美 [juˈnik]

a. 独一无二的, 独特的, 稀罕的

s. (followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality
s. highly unusual or rare but not the single instance


1. He was uniquely brilliant, but also, uniquely troubled.

他极度才华横溢 但也极度受精神困扰

2. I've been all over, and this is unique.

我去过很多地方 但这里独一无二

3. Humans consider themselves unique, so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness.

人类觉得自己是一个独特的群体 从而将自己存在的理论建立在 其独特性的基础之上

4. She's unique and special, and so the gift that you give her, well, that also has to be unique and special.

她独一无二 无可取代 所以你给她的礼物 也应该独一无二 无可取代

5. Total unique impressions is what sells and noone leaves an impression more unique than you.

最大的卖点就是这种非常独特的印象 没有人留下的印象比你的还独特

6. Negroes are uniquely qualified to develop a larger vision for society because we are uniquely invested.

黑人是唯一有资格 为社会开拓更大视野的群体 因为我们有独有的责任

7. And it's a uniquely human fantasy that things will get better, born perhaps of the uniquely human understanding that things will not.

这是人类独有的幻想 幻想情况总会好转 可能是因为只有人类 才明白情况其实不会好转吧

8. And we will be looking for similarities and differences between us until we can really point out what is unique about us as a species and what is unique about each one of us as individuals.

我们要寻找同他们之间的相似点和不同点 直到我们能真正指出 人类作为物种的独特之处 以及我们每个个体的独特之处

9. I engineered a situation wherein an executive producer with a unique ability to bring out the very best in an anchor with a unique ability were paired to do a news broadcast this company can and should be proud of.

我通过精心策划 找来一个执行制片 激发出了的主播的无限潜能 两人通力合作 来做一档值得让这家公司骄傲的新闻节目

10. And they're so unique, and they're so special.

它们是如此得独一无二 如此得特别



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

