中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ri:mɪt] 美 [rɪˈmɪt]

vt. 宽恕, 赦免, 免除, 汇出, 缓解, 减轻, 把...提交, 使恢复原状, 推迟
vi. 缓解, 汇款
n. 移交的事物

n. the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with
v. send (money) in payment
v. release from (claims, debts, or taxes)
v. refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision


1. That is not within an ambassador's remit.


2. Our remit is to save the bees, not wreck their marriage.

我们的职责是拯救蜜蜂 不是破坏别人婚姻

3. If one has gone astray, then it has not done so from within my remit.

如果有具尸体不见了 那也与我没有干系

4. Our job is to deliver the news, so yeah, yes, very much in our remit.

我们的工作就是传达新闻 所以这当然属于我们的工作范畴

5. Unpaid library fees, 15 dollars, diploma withheld until payment remitted.

图书馆费未付 15美元 学位证书暂扣直到偿清欠款

6. She can authorise the bank, again by dialling a code, to automatically remit from her computerised checking account to the checking account of the grocery store and so on.

通过拨打某个号码 她也可以授权银行 从她的计算机化户头上 自动汇出一笔钱 到杂货店的户头上去 等等

7. My exaggerated stature is a design feature of my passive personal protection remit to serve as both physical barrier to attacks and psychological deterrent.

我健壮的身材 是我被动人身保护职责的设计特点 既可以从身体上阻挡攻击 也可以从心理上威慑



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

