中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [vaʊ] 美 [vaʊ]

n. 誓约, 誓言, 许愿
vi. 起誓, 发誓, 郑重宣言
vt. 立誓, 起誓要, 郑重地宣布

n. a solemn pledge (to oneself or to another or to a deity) to do something or to behave in a certain manner
v. make a vow; promise
v. dedicate to a deity by a vow


1. Rather than say traditional vows, they've decided to have their vows written for them by their parents.

不说传统的誓言 他们决定让双方父母 替他们把誓言写好

2. I may not be a nun anymore, but I took my vows, vows that you know I intend on keeping.

我虽然不是修女了 但我发过誓 你知道我不想违背那些誓言

3. That it's okay, number 1, to live under the roof of the someone that I made a vow with but I don't follow the vow now.

比如 第一点 我可以随便许下婚姻誓言 和丈夫住在 同一个屋檐下但是不遵守婚誓

4. About your vows? It's been in the news.

你婚誓重证的事吗 新闻上有

5. It has everything to do with our vow.


6. I vowed that I would do the same for others.


7. I vow to be on this journey with you.


8. So there I was, making my vows again.

所以我身处此地 再次许下誓言

9. We should put that in the vows. I did.

我们应该把它写进誓言里 我写了

10. Let that be a vow that we both keep.

希望这次的约定 我们都能遵守



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

