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音标: 英 [kən'vɪnsɪŋ] 美 [kənˈvɪnsɪŋ]

a. 使人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的

a. causing one to believe the truth of something


1. And she convinced me to convince you to put it back on.

而且她说服了我 来说服你重新戴上警徽

2. Convince the crowd, you're more likely to convince the man.

把大家说服了 说服那个人的可能性就更大了

3. That is why we are here to convince them.

所以我们才来 为了说服他们

4. If I can't even convince you, maybe I should stop trying to convince myself.

如果我连你都说服不了 或许也该停止说服自己了

5. No, no, no, no, we don't have to convince you.

不 不 不 我们不用说服你们

6. The best way to convince him not to do it is to convince the people close to him to stop him from doing it.

说服他不说出真相的最好方式 是说服他身边的人去阻止他

7. Before I can be convinced that your proposal is credible, he'll need to be convinced that your proposal is credible.

在我足以确信你的提案可取之前 他得先确信你的提案行之有效

8. As I convinced myself to build a robot, erica convinced barry to come clean to my mom.

我说服自己造机器人 爱丽卡说服巴瑞给妈妈说实话

9. just because you can convince others of something doesn't mean you have to work so hard trying to convince yourself.

你有能力说服别人 并不意味着你要如此努力 说服你自己

10. If you can convince me to be a silent princess with just a hundred words, imagine how many millions you can convince with this book.

如果你仅用一百字 就能说服我做一位沉默的公主 想想看你这本书将能说服多少人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

