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音标: 英 [ɪˈfemɪnət] 美 [ɪˈfɛmənɪt]

a. 柔弱的, 女人气的

s. having unsuitable feminine qualities


1. You've been chemically castrated by your own effeminate glands.


2. But I'm surprised, you usually go for more effeminate men.

但我挺意外的 你通常会选比较娘的男人

3. I can't believe that such an effeminate boy supports such friends.

我不敢相信 一个那么柔弱的男孩会结交这样的朋友

4. Some of us were too fat and effeminate to be used as show ponies.

而我太胖 缺乏阳刚之气 连出场都没资格

5. So that means that you also know that he had a disdain for what he called "effeminate princes".

那你应该也知道他很鄙视 所谓的"娘娘腔君主"吧

6. He seems sort of a mincing, effeminate little actor who plays a floor walker in movies, and he's just great.

他在电影里 演一个矫揉造作 娘娘腔的导购员 非常棒

7. Hell, I don't know if it was a good argument, but I do know that you're short, and you're balding, you sound a little effeminate, and pointy shoes make you look like an elf.

我不知道那是不是一个好理由 但我知道你很矮 你秃顶 声音有点娘炮 尖头皮鞋让你看起来像个小精灵

8. He's effeminate and therefore we think he's weak, but that man sits in pubs and clubs and houses and hotels telling all the world about his homosexuality out loud, all day long.

他那么柔弱 我们以为他很软弱 但他辗转于各个酒吧 俱乐部 餐厅和旅馆 从早到晚 大声告诉全世界 他是同性恋



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

