中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [fɪkst] 美 [fɪkst]

a. 固定的, 不变的
[法] 固定的, 确定的, 不变的

s. (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value
s. fixed and unmoving
a. securely placed or fastened or set
s. incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"


1. I have to fix this. I have to fix this.

我得解决这事 我得解决这事

2. You were brought in to fix this, fix it.

局里让你来团结大家 解决一下吧

3. So if we fix her up with someone, we fix her.

要是我们能给她找个伴 就能修好她

4. Fix her meds, fix her clothes, maybe you can even fix her.

安排她服药 穿衣 甚至觉得自己可以治好她

5. And you have a marriage you can't fix and a hu and and a son you can't fix and this daughter who's perfect, so there's nothing to fix.

而你拯救不了你的婚姻 还有你的丈夫和儿子 还有这个非常完美的女儿 不需要拯救

6. We don't know what they're gonna fix, how they're gonna fix it, how those fixes are gonna affect us.

我们也不知道他们要修什么 怎么修 补丁会如何影响我们

7. Look, you're great at fixing people's problems, but, you know, what's gonna fix you is not what's gonna fix me.

听着 你很擅长解决人们的问题 但是 能解决你的问题的方法 并不适合我

8. We can't fix things out there until we fix things up here.

要想出成绩 得先解决你这里的问题

9. And we can't fix his leg until I fix his heart.

在我修复好他的心脏之前 我们没法治好他的腿

10. All right, you said you could fix her, so fix her.

好吧 你说你能治好她 治好她吧



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

