中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʃɒkə(r)] 美 ['ʃɑ:kər]

n. 令人震惊的东西, 令人震惊的人, 令人愤慨的人, 令人厌恶的人

n. a shockingly bad person
n. a sensational message (in a film or play or novel)


1. shocker he doesn't have any friends.

真令人"震惊" 他没有一个朋友

2. Well, this may be a shocker but I'm glad to be here.

可能让你们感到震惊 但是我很高兴来到这

3. The fact that she stayed out all night is hardly a shocker.


4. But be prepared, 'cause what I'm about to say is a real shocker.

你准备好 我下面要说的 真的很让人震惊

5. Tells me, shocker, there's all these guys up at school, you know.

说 哇 学校里好多优秀的男的

6. And shocker the only way in is through their security office on the ground floor.

不出所料 想要进去 就必须走一楼的安保处

7. You've told me a lot of shockers today, but that, that is the first lie.

你们今天说了很多让我震惊的事 可这是你们说的第一个谎话

8. This has gone from a puffpiece, feelgood story to an awardwinning shocker on elder abuse.

这个从夸大报道暖人心之流 一跃成为有望获奖的 老人的爆炸性新闻

9. I am a female boss in a shop full of men, and huh what a shocker, I'm the problem.

我是一群男人的女上司 结果我成了问题 你说惊不惊讶



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

