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音标: 英 ['mɔŋɡu:s. mɔn-]

n. 猫鼬;獴狐猴(等于mongoose lemur)

n. agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents


1. Unfortunately, noone considered the fact that rats are nocturnal, while the mongoose hunts by day, so the hungry mongoose turned its attention to decimating the island's unique bird life instead.

不幸的是 没人考虑到老鼠是夜行动物 而猫鼬只在白天狩猎 于是饥饿的猫鼬转移目标 大批捕杀岛上的珍稀鸟类

2. As different as a mongoose is to a snake.

就像獴狐猴和蛇一样 差异巨大

3. A crabeating mongoose in search of insects.


4. 'cause she was like a feral mongoose.


5. But not too many, because they also have mongooses that eat the snakes.

但蛇也不多 因为有猫鼬 吃蛇

6. 'cause she was like a... like a feral mongoose.

因为她就像一只 一只充满野性的猫鼬

7. He's the one who left the door open when we were kids, and my pet mongoose ran away.

小时候他忘了关门 害我的宠物猫鼬跑掉了

8. Like an omelet bar at a mongoose convention, you are running dangerously low on eggs.

就像猫鼬集会中的煎蛋卷吧一样 你的卵子[鸡蛋]量非常低

9. That's what everyone thinks until she srings out of a drawer or drops from an air vent like an angry mongoose.

大家都这么想 直到她从抽屉里蹦出来 或者像一只愤怒的猫鼬从通风口掉下来

10. She's the rat, and she's telling endless stories because our snake's been home for three days taking care of our little blonde mongoose.

她就是老鼠 她在滔滔不绝地讲故事 因为我们的蛇在家里待了三天 照顾金毛小猫鼬



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

