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音标: 英 [krə'ʃendəʊ] 美 [krəˈʃɛndo]

n. 声音渐强

n. (music) a gradual increase in loudness
v. grow louder
s. gradually increasing in volume


1. And he hit that final crescendo and..

它唱出了最终 部分 然后

2. I think I might have facilitated a crescendo.


3. Straitjacket mounts to a crescendo of electrifying suspense.

《束身衣》令人战栗的悬疑感 达到了影史巅峰

4. Today, the trial of the century reaches a crescendo.

今天 世纪大案将迎来

5. I'm basing my whole crescendo on the sum of its parts.

我这故事的 全是基于对前情的总结

6. So you're basing your whole crescendo on a figment of your imagination.

所以你这故事的 全是基于你的想象

7. I will structure the scene so that there will be a crescendo of some kind.

我会构筑一个场景 会有音量渐强的效果

8. She's asked me to create a crescendo, people, so let's stop swirling and start twirling.

她让我先来暖暖场子 各位 我们别害羞 纵身起舞吧

9. Letlet's just go again and try to put more crescendo in the triplet section in the middle.

我们再来一遍 记得在 中间部分的三连音加强渐强

10. Ginger beer, vodka, separate two different things as they combine in your mouth to a crescendo, drop in a lime, which will give it a kick and voilà.

姜汁啤酒 伏特加 两种完全不同的东西 当它们在你口中混合达到 时 咬一口酸橙 会让你感到无比



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

