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adv. 无礼地;放肆地

r in an impudent or impertinent manner


1. Well, then you save your rage and your impudence for them.


2. An impudent mouth unused to being struck.

粗鲁不恭的嘴 为遭受过惩罚

3. Forgive me if the question seems impudent.

如果问题有些冒犯 请原谅我

4. I cannot permit him to have sight of you again after his impudent pretensions to your hand.

但他对你有如此不知耻的奢望 我不能再允许他见你了

5. Now, I agree he can be impudent, but he is young.

我承认他很无礼 但他还年轻

6. Because for an impudent, impatient little twit such as yourself, it won't be that simple.

因为对一个像你一样鲁莽又急躁的 小笨蛋来说 不会那么容易

7. Even so, that you should have to tolerate such impudence when it's you that holds the majority.

即便如此 你也应该容忍他的无礼 尤其现在是你担任多数党领袖

8. He ran away like an impudent child chasing after an untethered balloon.

他像个追气球的熊孩子一样 跑到外面去了

9. And in a final act of impudence, the matador hurls ‭the animal's ears into the crowd so they can be trampled on.

而在这粗鲁表演的最后一幕 斗牛士会把牛耳扔向人群 供人们踩踏

10. Whoever you put in my place will still be left with untrained, undisciplined soldiers and impudent, disloyal officers.

不管你让谁取代我 将面对的 还是这批缺乏训练 纪律松散的士兵 和无礼又不忠的军官



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

