中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['bəʊldnɪs] 美 ['boʊldnɪs]

n. 大胆, 勇敢, 冒失
[计] 醒目程度; 鲜明度

n. the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger
n. impudent aggressiveness
n. the quality of standing out strongly and distinctly


1. A bold, uh, a bold challenge to the classical notions of the female form.

是一个大胆的 很大胆的 对古典观念的女性形式的挑战

2. You don't have it in you to do anything that bold, because I'm the one who got the boldness gene and the goodeyebrow gene.

你可没有做这种事的胆识 因为我继承了父母的大胆 和好看的眉毛

3. And when your man is down, how very bold you are.

当你的人失利 你如此胆大

4. It's a very bold plan. It's amazing.

这是个大胆的计划 棒极了

5. You're so beautiful and... and bold and strong.

你是如此俊俏 勇敢 强壮

6. I should have taken your advice been bold.

我应该听你的建议 大胆一些

7. to the author of such a bold letter.

Her Highness would hardly agree to talk

8. But I do urge you all to be bold and stretch yourself.

不过我要求你们要大胆一些 突破自己

9. Then you'll be making a bold choice.


10. It's a desperate, if not bold, plan.

这个计划即使不算鲁莽 也是铤而走险



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

