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n. One who, or that which, grooms horses; especially, a brush
rotated by a flexible or jointed revolving shaft, for cleaning horses.


1. I ain't no ing wrangler. I'm the groomer.

我不是牧人 我是美容师

2. What did you say your business was? I'm a dog groomer.

你说你是干什么的来着 狗狗美容师

3. Hi. I'd be there myself, but I've been stuck at the dog groomer's all day.

你好 我应该自己去的 但我一整天都被困在狗狗美容师这里了

4. Our groomer is new and overwhelmed, and we're just working out some kinks.

美容师是新来的 不知所措 我们正在磨合

5. And it's much closer to the dog groomers where I get my nails and goatee trimmed.

而且这儿离狗狗美容师近多了 我指甲和山羊胡都是在那儿修的

6. And since you're dating the cat groomer, the four of us could be couple friends.

既然你和那位猫宠美容师在一起了 我们四个可以成为情侣朋友

7. Boy, I am glad I got married before I hit the cat groomer phase of being single.

天啊 还好我结婚了 不会去追什么猫美容师

8. Sure, you'll act all friendly, gain his trust, chauffer him around on his little errands to the groomer and whatnot, but all the while, you'll be studying him, scouring out his weaknesses, biding your time till we're ready to strike.

当然了 你得表现得十分友好 赢得他的信任 跟着他上班 送他去做美容之类的 但同时 你也要研究他 找出他的弱点 等待时机 直到我们准备出手为止



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

