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音标: 英 [ˈhaɪə(r)]

a. high的变形


1. If you think it's higher, say higher.

如果你觉得在上面 就说向上

2. Higher and higher, ‭two for one, real for fake.

更上一层楼 买一送一 以真换假

3. Up and up and up, higher and higher, until it feels like you are floating on top of the frickin' world.

越来越上 越来越高 直到你感觉像漂浮在整个世界之上

4. They're rising into the air, higher and higher, where villainy and treachery can never reach them.

他们在升入空中 越升越高 和奸诈再不会碰触到他们了

5. What we found was that selfesteem was higher for the cheap product, or the more basic one, compared to the higher one.

我们发现自尊心更高的人 会选择便宜的 或者说简装版 而不是奢华版

6. Having all these people around requires a higher level of preparation, a higher level of confidence basically.

周围有这些人在 我就得有更完善的准备 和更充足的信心

7. Slowly but surely, the dirt began to build, until the donkey got higher and higher, until eventually, he could walk out of that well.

慢慢地 土越填越高 驴所在的位置也越来越高 直到它终于能从井里走出来

8. It's extraordinary, this temple sort of slithers along the cliff face, forever ascending higher and higher towards the heavens.

这是非同寻常的 这寺庙就像在悬崖的表面不断蜿蜒向上 直到延伸到天界

9. When you're climbing without a rope, it's obviously like much higher consequence, much, much higher level of focus.

不用绳索攀岩 很明显 后果会更严重 要求更高的专注度

10. So now my company would give you a higher life insurance quote, because divorced men live shorter lives and so you're higher risk for us.

如今我的公司就会给你更高的人寿保险报价 因为离婚的男人活不长 你对我们就是更高的风险



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

