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音标: 英 [ˌri:kəm'baɪn] 美 [ˌrikəmˈbaɪn]

vt. 再结合, 重组

v. undergo genetic recombination
v. cause genetic recombination
v. to combine or put together again


1. Only they've been mutated with the same recombinant gene therapy you're about to take.

而且他们接受了你正要进行的计划 引发了基因突变

2. In other words these languages that emerge are made up of parts that can be recombined.

也就是说 现在的语言都是 由可以重新排列组合的词根构成

3. All these signs and symbols floating around in my head, combining, separating, recombining, mocking me.

那些记号啊符号啊一直在我脑子里晃悠 组合 拆分 重组 在嘲讽我

4. In a few hours, the recombinant virus inside those eggs will be strong enough to infect one quarter of this town.

只要几个小时 那些蛋里的重组病毒 效力就强到可以感染全镇四分之一人口

5. You take a sample of diploid cells, split them into haploids, then recombine them in a different arrangement and grow, very quickly, apparently.

只要取一份二倍体细胞样本 让其 成单倍体 之后再重新排列 使其生长 很显然 这个过程很快

6. Its speed has been millions of times faster because we can combine separate improvements directly, where nature depends upon chance recombinations.

由于我们可以直接组合不同领域的进步 机器行为的发展速率快了数百万倍 而自然则始终依赖于随机重组

7. Specifically that the design of the suppression pool would cause the hydrogen recombiners to fail, precipitating in the collapse of the containment isolation system, and resulting meltdown.

尤其是抑压池的设计 会导致氢气复合器无法正常运行 从而引发安全壳隔离系统的急剧崩裂 进而引发反应堆熔毁

8. They say that the quantum computer is doing all these different computations in different worlds, and then to get the answer to the question, it recombines all this information from these different worlds to give you the answer.

他们说 量子计算机 在不同的世界中进行这些不同的计算 然后 要想得出问题的答案 它把所有信息从这些不同的世界中 重新结合起来 给出答案

9. It basically breaks up all the possible ways of factoring the number, and then all of these different parts get tried out together, and then recombined to give you the answer to the problem, to give you the factors of the number.

大体上它把所有可能分解这个数字的方式 都拆分开来 然后同时尝试这些不同的部分 再把它们重新组合起来得到答案 给出这个数字的各个因数



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