中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [smu:tʃ] 美 [smutʃ]

n. 搂抱接吻, 污迹
vi. 搂抱着接吻
vt. 与...搂抱接吻, 弄脏

v. snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others


1. No, but we were ooching in the movie.

没有 但我们在电影院里接吻了

2. smooching won't get you out of this.

卿卿我我 你也休想逃掉

3. thank you very much, awaits a goodnight ooch.

谢谢关心 正等着和我吻别

4. I want the ooch; that's the only reason I play baseball.

我想要亲热戏 那是我打棒球的唯一动力

5. You two have been using this trophy as an excuse to have a secret soldier ooch seminar.

你们一直在利用这个奖杯 趁机进行"机密""军人""接吻""交流会"

6. When I was kid, my mom would use every opportunity to squeeze, ooch, and snuggle her schmoopies.

在我的童年时代 我妈会抓住每一个机会 捏捏 亲亲 抱抱她的宝贝们

7. I'm just hoping this actually works and we magically create a foxy babe for me to ooch on.

我只是希望这仪式真能成功 我们神奇地创造出一个性感宝贝让我亲亲

8. And when you're older, if you get in your girlfriend's car and put your feet up on the dashboard, that date does not end in a ooch.

等你长大了 坐进你女朋友的车里 然后把脚放到仪表盘上 那约会的结尾可就没有亲热戏了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

