中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [əˈkrɒs] 美 [əˈkrɒs,əˈkrɑs]

prep. 越过, 穿过, 与...相交叉, 在...的对面
adv. 交叉, 到另一边, 在对面, 成十字

r. to the opposite side
r. transversely


1. We have connected across evolution and across species.


2. Get across the river, across the field and over the dike.

他们得先渡河 穿过旷野和堤道

3. She was out there trying to kill anyone she came across, and we came across her.

她在外面试图杀死碰见的任何人 而我们碰见了她

4. For so many years, I've travelled across worlds, across the multiverse, to do one thing.

这么多年来 我周游世界 穿越平行宇宙 只为了做一件事

5. The scorpion wants to get across the river, so he asks the frog to carry him across.

蝎子想过河 所以他让青蛙背它过去

6. And across the street there's two vacant lots where we did an orchard and across the street from that is our community center.

街道对面 还有两块空地我们用做果园 从那边再过马路 就是我们的社区中心了

7. Ma'am, I got to where I am by reaching out and shaking hands across aisles, across party lines.

女士 我今天这个位置 是靠跨越党派套近乎 搞关系得来的

8. You know, I just moved across the hall, but it feels like I moved across an entire ocean.

知道吗 我只是搬到了楼道的另一边 但感觉却像是搬去了大洋彼岸

9. across this vast continent, and across the world, it is decisions like these that are key to protecting the planet's most precious diversity.

在这片广阔的大洲以至整个世界 这样的决定 对保护地球珍贵的生命多样性至关重要

10. So, if we were to put explosives across the top here, that could potentially make it propagate across this whole bowl, and then all of this snow down here would start falling downhill.

如果我们在山顶布满炸药 爆炸极有可能影响整个坡面区域 这些积雪就会滑下山坡



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

