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音标: 英 [ˈtæktaɪl] 美 [ˈtæktəl, -ˌtaɪl]

a. 触觉的, 有触觉的
[医] 触觉的

s. producing a sensation of touch


1. Use the integrated tactile sensor to acknowledge it.


2. You're experiencing paranoid hallucinations, both auditory and tactile.

你正在经历偏执的幻觉 听觉和触觉上

3. Like he was an arthropod using them as a tactile sensory appendage.

他像是节肢动物 用它们作为触觉感觉附属物

4. With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact.

能够无意识地造成爆炸 只需轻轻一碰

5. We could make a videoplaying device that simultaneously translates the information into a tactile medium.

我们应该设计一个可以播放视频 同时能把讯息转化到 可触摸媒介上的装置

6. It's a tactile, immersive activity like fingerpainting or working a potter's wheel.

这是个可触摸的 身临其境的活动 正如手指画或是陶艺那样

7. You won't know the meaning of sensations or be able to coordinate between your visual and tactile systems, and that would be a good outcome.

无法感受到 也不能将视觉 和触觉系统联系起来 这还是比较好的结果

8. I possess visual, auditory and tactile receptors more acute than yours, which is why I am being tortured by this planet's constant noise and you are not.

我的视觉 听觉和触觉能力 都比你们更强 正因此我一直因这星球的持续噪音 而痛苦 你们却没有

9. It's hard to fake this much holy bliss but I have to suck it up if I want to be friends with a tactile person.

要假装心情好真的很难 但我得忍耐 如果我想跟爱身体接触的当朋友

10. It's a tactile sensory stimulation that can evoke lowgrade euphoria, particularly in children and young s.

能引起轻度精神愉悦感的 触觉感官 对儿童和青少年作用尤为突出



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

