中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [di:m] 美 [dim]

v. 认为, 相信

v. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view


1. They're about sectioning off the undesirables from society, you know, the people that they deem icky, the people that they deem sick.

是为了隔离开社会不想要的那些人 他们认为的讨人厌的人 他们认为的病人

2. My point is, we came to a country, found a people we deemed inferior, and stole their land right out from under them, and since then, we have imported different races we deem inferior to do our dirty work for us.

我想说的是 我们来到一个国家 自认为这里的人 就从他们手上偷走土地 然后我们开始 把自认为 的不同人种运来当苦力

3. If our masters deem it so, then it is so.

若我们的主人认为那是家 那就是

4. We are the community and we have deemed you a threat to it.

我们才是公众 而我们认为你对其构成了威胁

5. But only some were deemed worthy of study.


6. Because my book has been deemed problematic.


7. They deem her incompetent, she won't be convicted.

他们认为她无能力参加庭审 她不会被定罪

8. And I am her doctor, and I deem it necessary.

我是她的醫生 我認為有必要

9. In the 1600s, my physique was deemed very appealing.

在17世纪 我的体形被视为大美人

10. Because of her past, the doctors deemed her unfit.

因为她的过去 医生认为她精神状况不佳



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

