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音标: 英 ['hi:tə(r)] 美 [ˈhitɚ]

n. 加热器, 灯丝, 加热工
[化] 加热器

n. device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room


1. So knowing that in their priorities, bathtub is much higher than water heater, let's do the bathtub, and allow them over time to buy the water heater.

了解到优先次序中 浴缸要远高于热水器 那我们就装浴缸 让他们以后自己买热水器

2. Now we're not always in a position to wait for space storms to come so we have another instrument here on site, called the heater, and we can then simulate these space weather events, using the heater, to heat the atmosphere at high altitudes, cause the atmosphere to expand, so that we can study the atmospheric expansion, and therefore the effect on satellites.

如今我们并不总是坐等 太阳风暴的侵袭 因此我们有了另一种设备 加热器 我们可以利用加热器 加热高层空间的大气 使得大气发生膨胀 从而模拟这些空间天气事件 藉此我们可以研究大气膨胀现象 以及其对卫星造成的影响

3. Told you I could explain the heater.


4. Here comes the pitch. It's a heater.

现在上场的是投手 全速投球

5. What about the heater? It is very cold where i come from.

制暖怎么样 我们那里很冷

6. And then he'd buy me a space heater for my stable.


7. The cabin has a space heater, but there's a groundskeeper.

那小屋有个取暖器 但是有个管理员

8. This case was just too much of a heater.


9. The salon only has a water heater and furnace.


10. By that logic, then the heater should blow cold.

这样说的话 那散热器应该吹冷风



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

