中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['taʊəz] 美 ['taʊəz]

n. 塔;塔器;空中跳台(tower的复数)

n a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger building
n anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower
n a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships
v appear very large or occupy a commanding position


1. You had it in the tower, the tower collapsed.

原本在你的塔上 那座塔塌了

2. A big tower is never just a big tower.


3. but it keeps bouncing from cell tower to cell tower.


4. 18 towers that way, 15 towers that way.

一边十八座 一边十五座

5. Yeah, when I was pitching a tower of caccitore a cacciatore tower, yeah.

我正要把鸡肉块垒成塔状 没错 是烩鸡块塔

6. Because towers basically consume place, but very few towers manage to create a larger than itself a moment.

因为高层建筑一般都耗费地皮 但很少有高楼试图去创造比地基大的空间

7. I've been trying to ping his phone, but it keeps bouncing from cell tower to cell tower.

我一直在尝试追踪他的手机 但是信号一直在信号塔间来回跳

8. This tells us the towers we've mapped in the desert, including those deep in enemy territory, are not simple watchtowers, they're beacon towers.

这表明我们在沙漠上标记的 包括在敌方深处的那些塔 不仅是瞭望塔 还是烽火台

9. I spent the entire flight streamlining our setup procedure, so I am gonna take the rental convertible and drive tower to tower, most of which are on pristine beaches or scenic volcanoes to check coverage while you sit at the office by yourself.

我整个航程都在简化我们的安装程序 我要开着租的车走过每一个信号塔 检查信号覆盖情况 大多在未开发海滩 或是绝美的火山 你就自己在办公室呆着吧

10. I'm getting you out of this tower, once and for all.

我要带你离开这个小镇 永远地离开



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

