中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈfi:vərɪʃ] 美 [ˈfivərɪʃ]

a. 发热的, 极度兴奋的, 不安的

s. marked by intense agitation or emotion
s. having or affected by a fever


1. They have a feverish night of sociallyapproved copulation ahead of them.

他们马上就可以进行 社会公认的 交配之夜了

2. She may be lulled to sleep or tossed in feverish restlessness.

可能安静地昏睡过去 可能兴奋地无法安歇

3. But, you know, we talked, and despite her feverish delirium, she made me realize a few things.

但是我们聊了 尽管她烧得胡言乱语 却让我意识到了几件事

4. And then they will come running to us like children in a feverish nightmare.

然后他们会不断跑向我们 就像做了可怕噩梦的孩子

5. Yeah, you know, it started as a sore throat, but I'm feeling really feverish now.

一开始是嗓子疼 但现在好像发热了

6. On both sides, means of mass destruction are being perfected with feverish haste and behind walls of secrecy.

这两国都在以疯狂的速度不断改良 大规模杀伤性武器 而且还秘而不宣

7. It sits heavy on my heart and calls back what I wish to forget in many a feverish dream.

把我的心打上沉痛的枷锁 一次又一次把我召唤至痛苦的深渊 伴随着数不清的噩梦

8. His eyesight's improved but there were other, less encouraging signs excess of nervous energy, something feverish in his demeanour.

他的视力有改善 但还有些不那么让人安心的迹象 过度紧张 看上去似乎还有些发热



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

