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音标: 英 ['rezɪdənsɪ] 美 [ˈrɛzɪdənsɪ, -ˌdɛn-]

n. 住处
[法] 住处, 管辖区

n. the act of dwelling in a place
n. the position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship)


1. I'm the resident director now, and he's a resident.

现在我是住院医师主管 他是住院医师

2. II'm the director of the residency program, you're a resident.

我是本院住院医培训主管 而你是住院医师

3. To teach, not to drag my residency director out in the field the very day as new residents are starting.

是来教学 不是来了新住院医师的当口 把我的住院医师主任 拉去跑外勤

4. A live show where you call in and I, ken park, your resident resident will rap about your medical concerns with you.

本节目现场直播 欢迎各位来电问询 由我 肯恩·朴 寝室楼的医师 将健康问题的答案用饶舌唱出来

5. And we are searching his residence and searching the garage near his residence because we now know that the garage was part of the crime scene.

目前我们正在搜查他的住处 以及附近的那个车库 因为现在我们知道了车库是案发现场之一

6. would know that I just cosponsored a bill that passed into law, mandating 2.4 gigawatts of offshore wind power and nocost solar energy for 10,000 lowincome residents without raising taxes on a single resident in this state.

你就会知道 我共同发起的一项提案刚成为了法律 为一万户低收入居民 保证了二点四兆瓦的离岸式风电 和无成本太阳能电力 而且不用向这个州内的居民多收一分税

7. There is a gathering in the residence.


8. Some of its residents have been through crisis before.


9. Wish he could do that at our residence.


10. This is my resident, not a terrorist.

他是我的住院医师 不是恐怖分子



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

