中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [aɪˈdentɪkl] 美 [aɪˈdɛntɪkəl]

a. 同一的, 恒等的, 完全相同的
[医] 同一的, 同等的

s. exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different
s. being the exact same one; not any other:
a. (of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum
s. having properties with uniform values along all axes


1. So your cover identity is your real identity.

你的掩飾身份 就是你的真實身份

2. I may once have had another identity, but that identity no longer exists.

我或许曾有过另外一个身份 但那个身份已经是过去式了

3. And the good thing about having no identity is that you never have to worry about identity theft.

没有身份的好处是 不必担心身份 用

4. So, now that we have our two identical pigs in two identical bags.

好了 现在我们有两头相同的猪 置于两只相同的袋子内

5. It goes back to that adoption idea that any identity may be better than no identity.

这可能要追溯到领养的时候 只要有身世的孩子总比没有身世的好

6. Every person has an identity and, it's cool to have your own identity, but when you call it a brand, it's suddenly cheesy.

就像每个人也有自己的身份 拥有自己的身份是很酷的 但是当你称它为品牌时 感觉突然就变味了

7. Look, as sentient meat, however illusory our identities are, we craft those identities by making value judgments.

作为有知觉的肉体 不管我们的身份多么虚幻 都是通过价值评判塑造的

8. I am just trying to help him reassemble a very fragile identity an identity that you busted into pieces when you walked out that door.

我只是尽力帮他重新组件一个脆弱的人格 一种当你走出这家门的一刹那 你就已经支离破碎的人格

9. If, for some reason, there's a threatening identity in the room, the light will automatically strobe and force a different identity to take over.

如果出于某种原因 如果存在威胁的人格 出现在房间里 灯光会自动闪烁 并强制由不同的人格来接管

10. Going undercover means assuming another identity, the identity of someone unlike you, someone who may need to gain the trust of men by any means necessary.

去卧底意味着要伪装成另一个身份 一个跟你不一样的人 可能要为了获得男人的信任 采取一切必要手段



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

