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音标: 英 ['saɪkl] 美 [ˈsaɪkəl]

n. 周期, 循环, 自行车, 一段时间, 整套
vi. 循环, 轮转, 骑自行车
vt. 使循环, 使轮转
[计] 环路; 周期; 循环

n. an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs
n. a series of poems or songs on the same theme
n. a periodically repeated sequence of events
n. a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon


1. Well, I do feel like we're in a cycle, and that cycle just keeps repeating.

我覺得我們在一個圈子里 而這個圈一直不斷地在循環

2. Look there are cycles of history just like thee are cycles of nature.

历史有轮回 就像自然会更替

3. traps the most vulnerable people in our society in this cycle of incarceration which, in turn, leads to a cycle of poverty.

把社会中最脆弱的一群人 禁锢在小范围里 反过来又让他们被贫困套牢

4. The life cycle of the salmon is not unlike the life cycle of human beings, in that it begins in cozy circumstances, gets progressively colder, and often ends in suffering and tragedy.

鲑鱼的生命循环 和人类的生命循环很类似 都出生在一个非常舒适的环境中 然后慢慢变冷 最终往往以痛苦和悲剧结尾

5. All right, let's cycle her through again.

好了 再启动她一次试试

6. No, I'm thinking your district, this cycle.

不 我在考虑本轮竞选你的选区

7. For those that do, the cycle can begin again.

对于那些找到的 这个循环又再次开启了

8. If I'm correct, I'll be cycled out soon.

如果我没错 很快就轮到我出去了

9. That's what the universe does: it cycles energy.

天地万物都是如此 能量的循环往复

10. I'm telling you, she was about to end that cycle.

说真的 她那时就要结束这种生活了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

